Kimberly L. Winters works in the field of education in Virginia. Outside her work as an educator, Kimberly L. Winters enjoys many hobbies, including archery.
For those unfamiliar with the sport, archery may seem intimidating. However, after getting started with proper technique and safety instruction, archery participants soon learn that the sport has a number of benefits for both physical and mental well-being.
For instance, archery helps with the development of both strength and coordination. Many people are aware that pulling back the bow string requires strong arms and shoulders. However, they might not realize that the movement incorporates core and hand strength as well. Additionally, archers must have good coordination in order to perform movement sequences that involve nocking the arrow, drawing the bow, and aiming at their target. With practice, participants will improve their skills in these areas and be able to draw more weight with a bow.
In addition to the physical benefits, archers often experience stress relief and improved confidence from doing the sport. Many people find the sound of the arrow hitting the target to be satisfying, and seeing their skills improve with practice gives them a sense of pride. Their enjoyment of the activity and focus on hitting the target provides archers with a valuable outlet for the stresses of everyday life.